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Informationen und Mitgliedsanträge:

Förderverein für die Wiederherstellung des Stadtkanals e.V.

F.-Ebert-Straße 24,
14467 Potsdam

Tel:  0331/270 55 39
Fax: 0331/270 55 38

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Potsdamer Stadtkanal




Excavating the future

It is obvious to anybody who walks through the old centre of Potsdam: one can assume the existence of preserved remnants of the defunct City Canal. "Search-diggings" in June 1999 as part of the first building lot served to secure still existing structures.

Under the auspice of the local Office for Redevelopment of Potsdam (Sanierungsträger) the Northern part of Yorkstrasse has been converted into a new road. Old cobblestone pavement gave way to a modern tarmac street of medium proportions. All pipelines for water, sewage, gas, and electricity had to be renewed. Long-awaited digging started when two rows of maple-trees growing in the Canal's bed had been cut down on 22 November 1999 under the protest of the local Campaign agains Draft, Forced Services and the Military. Traditional emperor linden trees were planted instead in March 2000 to create the old aura. The first stage of the City Canal's excavation is in full swing.

It is nevertheless a beginning in hesitatation. The Canal is filled with 50.000 sqm. of earth and debris. If all goes according to plan with the local re-developer, the partial excavation of a 120 meter Canal stretch until the beginning of the BUGA 2001 (Federal Gardening Show 2001) shall most likely create a "lawn solution" situated 120 centimeters below the upper edge of the quay walls.

Inspite of this detailed planning, popular opinion reaches the Promotion Association for the Reconstruction of the City Canal in support of an inundation of the first and all consecutive building lots. May canal water flow again until the BUGA 2001 ...

The total composition of the old centre of town, including the Town Castle, shall be resurrected. By unearthing the old CityCanal the City of Potsdam shall experience a tangible revaluation of quality concerning inner-city life.

Lacking, however, are appropriate data to enable the enterprise to be put into a wider planning context. Services shall emerge under the Potsdam top-address 'Am Kanal', cafes, art rooms and various markets on both sides along the newly created Canal.

We are inviting visions and are looking to the Netherlands where the City of Amsterdam presently manages a mere number of 160 canals.


The City Canal is coming

It is apparent: something is moving at the construction site in the heart of our city. Following the excavation of the canal base and its evaluation groundworks have continued aiming to finalize the tackled section until the beginning of the BUGA 2001 (Federal Gardening Exhibition). No doubt, the support of many shall be required to conclude the work in perfection. By facing the task to support this enterprise, the Promotion Association for the Reconstruction of the City Canal has plans for special activities to boost incoming donations for the Canal. It is on this line that the Association offers

valuable cast iron canal pillars as PR space

to interested sponsors and co-builders to have their names engraved indelibly for eternity.

Mr Siegfried Benn, Chairman of the Association, comments: "Twothousand German Marks (about 1000 EURO) seem appropriate as a minimum sum in the BUGA year for such a chance to permanently secure unforgettingness."

On the occasion of the Promotion Event which took place at the Hotel Mercure on April 17 an original cast of a canal pillar plus a true original recently discovered by the well-known Potsdam architect Christian Wendland was presented to the public. By reserving the first inscripture to the recently deceased architect Rainer Globisch the Association intends to honour the tireless fighter for the reconstruction of the historic city centre.

Eleven cast-iron pillars to the Canal have spontaneously been acquired by sponsors during the event.

The historic canal pillars shall be visible for all after the event in shop exhibits and in public rooms. People who want to support the Association by offering suitable exhibition space should kindly contact the office directly under the address: Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 24 Tel.: 2705539 / Fax 2705538.

Willing spenders should express their intent soon since between Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse and Staabstrasse being the first section of the City Canal there are now only 109 pillars left for the noble task.

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Spring 2000 / Promotional assembly plus press conference taking place on April 17, 2000 in the 'Hotel Mercure'. Invited are personalities belonging to local public life, members of the media, and people who have shown by means of their activities that they are in favour of the City Canal's reopening.
Topics: Introduction of an original railing post. The canal designing process and marketing for the year 2000. The Ladenberg-Bridge. Bridge festival, Rotating exhibition of railing post. Change of name at tram stop to "At the Canal". The Strauss Verlag
presents its newest pictorial edition and a postcard serie .

Summer 2000 / Establishing of contacts with canal administrations Amsterdam and Friedrichstadt.

2001 / Construction of a genuine remake, i.e. the erection of the legendary Ladenberg Bridge in order to enable the touristic public to discover the Canal's construction terrain by strolling along. Thanks to co-operations with local banks and private investors.

2001 - 2002 / Possibility of an official tender for further developments regarding canal projects:

"Modern design forms and options for commercial use of the Potsdam City Canal"

Under the auspice of Ministry of Culture, Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Chamber of Architects, Association of German Interior Designers, Potsdam University etc.

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He who is interested in our work
and wishes to receive further information
kindly contact :

Förderverein zur Wiederherstellung des Stadtkanals
in Potsdam e.V.
Tel 0331-2705539 Fax 0331-2705538
